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Photography Classes

Photography Classes

Camera Basics, Lightroom & Photoshop

One-on-One Basics of Photography Class

Camera Basics

Basics of Photography Class

USD $199

One-on-One Basics of Photography Class
3 hr$199
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3 Hour 1x1 Basics of Photography Class
Printed Class Materials
Hands on Practice
$99 Non-Refundable Deposit at Booking
$99 booking fee at time of booking.
Remainder amount $100 is due on the day of the shoot.

One-on-One Natural Light Essentials

Camera Basics

Basics of Photography Class

USD $199

One-on-One Natural Light Essentials
3 hr$199
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3 Hour Class on Natural Light Fundamentals
Handouts to take home for practice
$99 Non-Refundable Deposit at Booking
$99 booking fee at time of booking.
Remainder amount $100 is due on the day of the shoot.

Lightroom Basics

Screenshot  at  PMpng

Lightroom Basics

USD $329

Basics of Lightroom
5 hr$329
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5 hour class on Lightroom Basics
Hands on with Lightroom
Creative Cloud Subscription is required for class
Cover Library & Develop Module
Theories of Library Organization
Library Module Walkthrough
$160 booking fee at time of booking.
Remainder amount $169 is due on the day of the shoot.

Advanced Lightroom/Photoshop Workflow

Lightroom Basics

Basics of Photography Class

USD $199

Advanced Lightroom & Photoshop Workflow
3 hr$199
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Hands on with Lightroom & Photoshop
Advanced develop module walkthrough.
New masking tools in Lightroom
Exporting photos to photoshop
Theories of Photoshop use (photo cleanup, masking
3rd party editing applications
Creative Cloud Subscription Required
$99 booking fee at time of booking.
Remainder amount $100 is due on the day of the shoot.

Using Zenfolio